No!!! I did not abandon my blog. I was just busy, very busy to the point that there were times I skipped taking a shower. I’m over sharing. Haha. It’s gross but have you heard of “pasma”? The sister of my grandmother had involuntary facial movements. According to my mom, pasma was the culprit. I told my office bud about this no ligo myth (or fact). The next day, he sent me a link explaining that there’s nothing wrong with taking a bath even without enough sleep. My reply, “whatever!” It’s better to be stinky than sorry. As of this writing, I’m back to being mabango. lol So, how am I doing? I’m fine. I can’t say that 2014 was a very good year for me and for my family. There were challenges. They were extraordinary. However, we managed to get by and continued life. And yes, despite all the heartaches, I can say that we are still very blessed. And I w...