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Target vis a vis Accomplishment

No!!! I did not abandon my blog.  I was just busy, very busy to the point that there were times I skipped taking a shower. I’m over sharing. Haha.  It’s gross but have you heard of “pasma”? The sister of  my grandmother had involuntary facial movements.  According to my mom, pasma was the culprit.     I told my  office bud about this no ligo myth (or fact).  The next day, he sent me a link explaining that there’s nothing wrong with taking a bath even without enough sleep.  My reply, “whatever!” It’s better to be stinky than sorry.   As of this writing, I’m back to being mabango. lol

So, how am I doing? I’m fine.  I can’t say that 2014 was a very good year for me and for my family.  There were challenges.  They were extraordinary.  However, we managed to get by and continued life.  And yes, despite all the heartaches, I can say that we are still very blessed.  And I will be forever grateful for the gift of family.     

It’s the first month of the year.   It’s definitely not the time to rekindle negative feelings and stuff. So, yes!  Let’s all be positive and let's  move forward.  But let me look back.  Let me review and assess  my 2014 targets. 
      Save at least 6 months’ worth of expenses.    33%  accomplished
       Invest  P100,000 in UITF.       -           24% accomplished
       Invest P100,000 in the stock market.                        -           30% accomplished
       Lose weight.  Be healthy.  Be beautiful. – I lost weight but I gained it back. 
       Furnish the QC condo. – 99% accomplished
     Travel to Davao City (for R and R). – We  failed to go to Davao City.  We traveled to Boracay     instead.
       Travel to Macau (for R and R). – We had no time and our travel fund  was insufficient.
       Send a relative to school. – 50% accomplished. We didn’t shoulder the tuition fees but we took care   of our pamangkin’s allowance.
      Blog at least once a week.    – 0.0000000001% accomplished!

There are  also  accomplishments (they’re not actually accomplishments. I just used the term  for lack of a better term) which were not included in my 2014 targets.  They’re the reasons why we were not able to meet our financial targets.   I was not expecting them to come.  Opportunities  knocked. My  husband and I thought about them.  We deliberated. We made decisions. And we opened not only our door but our arms.     I am going to blog about them in the future.

Happy New Year everyone! 2015 is going to be a great year.  Let's claim it.



  1. Your finance related targets looks like my 2015 soft targets. I want to focus on money :S Hopefully I can do the 'living within 30%' of my salary goal. :S - Rae

    1. Happy new year Rae! I started focusing on money more when I got married. Iba talaga nagagawa ng buhay may-asawa. Haha. Goodluck on your financial targets. Your makeup shopping ban is a good start.


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