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Showing posts from April, 2015

Consolation Prize: Niqua Bags

I’m being too emotional these days.  I easily cry. I easily get pissed off.     Sorry to burst your bubble, but these mood swings have nothing to do with my “hormones”.  I  am  just frustrated and sad. People who know me  except for my  husband would be surprised reading this post. They thought  that I am really not affected, that I’m healed a day after the result of the “battle”.  I guess I am good at hiding my feelings or maybe people around me know what I am going through but they  choose to let me feel that everything’s normal and okay (which I appreciate).    For days, my husband’s spiel to console me was  “It’s okay. It doesn’t define you.  Move forward. I still love you.” With the thought  that his encouraging spiel was not working, “Babe, let’s go to the mall. Let’s buy the bag  ( you showed me.” “I don’t deserve a bag”, my reply. Then,  I saw a very tempting IG p...

Post Valentine's Date at T House Tagaytay

Two years ago, I blogged about our first Valentine’s Day as husband and wife.  We had a date in a burger stand near the condo we were renting then.  It was a cheap date, yes.  However, it was date filled with hopes and dreams.  Our reason for not spending too much was we were saving for something bigger than a plate of steak i.e. a home which we can call our own. Last year, what we had for Valentine’s Day were bichobicho and water shared with the carpenters/electrician who renovated our condo.   It was a cheap date, yes.  However,  it was a date filled with fulfilment.  During that time, we already saw the fruit of our  burger dates and “tuyo” diet.   This year’s Valentine’s Day, we just stayed  at  home..  It was a cheap date, yes. However, it was a date filled with joy.  It was the best Valentine’s Day ever.  It’s not only because our dream to have our own crib was realized but also because o...