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I Will Marry You Chicken - Chicken and mushroom in lemon and butter sauce

After my boylet put the ring on it, I thought it would be  unfair to have a pizza all-you-can Saturday.   Because of my laziness (and my fondness for pizza), munching two pan pizzas has been a weekend habit.  Okay…I know it’s unhealthy. 

Last Saturday instead of dialing 911-1111, I brought my version of I will marry you Chicken aka chicken and mushroom in butter and lemon sauce in his apartment.  Why did I call it I will marry you chicken? Nothing…just for the heck of relating it to my   Anything with mushroom is my boylet’s favorite.  Actually, kare kare is his favorite dish. However, I wanted to cook something simple…hmmm...…okay, I frowned at the idea of cooking ox tail for forty eight years or until it becomes tender!   The TGIF with Atty. Mitch and her gang did not allow me to have the luxury of time to cook intricate dish, but, it made me include voice lessons in my bucket list.  That would make me not just a trying hard cook and a trying hard blogger but also a trying hard singer! Lol. 

Single, In a relationship, it’s complicated…whatever  your status may be, the recipe below is a must-try.    Anyways, I will marry you chicken is not its real name.    It does not promise to release love hormones or something. Lol.

½ chicken breast, cut into strips
1 can mushroom
Lemon or calamansi
Garlic, crushed
Fish sauce

1.        Marinate chicken with fish sauce and calamansi/lemon  (I used calamansi) for an hour
2.        In a pan, heat the butter until it melts.
3.       Brown the garlic.
4.       Add the chicken, setting aside the marinade. 
5.       When the chicken becomes brown, pour the marinade and mushroom.
6.       Simmer for 10 minutes
7.       Serve.

My boylet’s verdict:  “Babe, can I change my mind?” lol


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